Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Pretty Flowers


I bought a reflex camera in August last year, after all these months fiddling with it, still don't know how to use it properly, how to set up the light, iso, speed, shutters... there are so many things to take into consideration!
 that's why after a lot of thinking and searching on the internet, I enrolled on a photography course for beginners (had my first class on Monday) so hopefully by the end of June (that's when the course ends) I will be able to make full use of it...

my parents live in Spain  and every time I go to visit them, I cannot help taking loads of pictures of everything out there.. family & friends, dogs, cats, chickens.....even Fortunata the donkey gets a couple of photos taken every now and then... 

my favorite pictures are from the flowers my mum grows in the garden,  they're so colorful and pretty!! :)

night night x
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