It's been while now that I'm thinking about taking macro pictures, for some time I've wanted to buy a 50 mm lens, my photography teacher told me not to buy a cheap one, better to invest in a good one....
as I haven't got £300 to spend on a good lens at the moment, I decided to investigate around the internet to find other more affordable alternatives, I came across some very interesting articles, on how to take the lens off the camera and turn it around to make the picture.. the examples I saw looked amazing, today, I decided that I had to do it, after work I came home to give it a try,
I thought it would be a good idea to start with fruit, so I gathered some of the fruit we had in the fruit bowl and got started! :)
after a few photos, couldn't find anything really exciting about a plum and the banana :(
I have to say I've really enjoyed taking this pictures, and definitely will be doing this many more times in the near future...maybe next time with :)
I also took some pictures of my earrings (glass) and a coral bead bracelet I bought last year in Venice
I know the light is not correct, some of the pictures are underexposed or overexposed, grainy & shaky
I'm still working trying to figure out how the ISO really works ..
there are lots of things to take into consideration, plus, the lens of the camera is not attached to the main body, and my thumb was in lots of pain at the end of the evening, anyway...well happy with the result!
night night x