Sunday 20 July 2014

I like summer

Summer in London is the best,
the weather this year is great, we've had a few grey and rainy ones, but also very hot and sunny days,
I live in an old house, in a quiet neighborhood, and we've got a garden, a lovely garden...
when the weather is this good, we make full use of it, and try to spend as much time as possible outdoors,
we like having dinner parties in the garden,to invite friends over for barbecues or just for a tea and a chat...
I really enjoy making flower arrangements and having fresh flower bouquets in the house, so this year I started planting some flowers, I think I planted the seeds a bit too late, as much of them still haven't come out, and the ones that have, they are haven't got any flowers yet...oh well...still a bit more of summer left, hopefully they will blossom soon!

love the fairy lights! my friends laugh at me because I always want to take millions of pictures!

night night x

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